Thursday, April 21, 2016

Cook out Vietnamese style aka "How To Prepare A Chicken" in few simple steps.

Step 1) A friend of mine asked if me and Bob (the leader of the band I'm playing in) would like to go out for a bbq. Well you don't have to ask me twice for a bbq so couple of days ago we headed to the countryside with two chickens and some other stuff, like bunch of kids. Leave the buying of the chicken to the locals, they will probably rip you of less than the chicken seller ;)

The "camping" ground. 
Step 2) Here's a clip how to prepare the chicken with a butcher ax and a knife

Step 3) Once the chicken is butchered and anointed with self made marinade you need something to hang it up over the fire. In this case, Tuan (the dude in the yellow shirt), did some damage to the near by vegetation to obtain this stick he then split up. Voilá, now we have a perfect cooking device =D
Notice the kid learning by watching. Next time he'll be able
to do this on his own!
Step 4) Thou shall not forget to light the fire at some point before hitting this step. But as you can see from the picture below, at this point one should have a perfect skewer thingy going on here and all one has to do is to wait. Thou shall not forget yet another thing! One must keep the chef(s) lubricated and as a part of this well oiled cooking factory. Mostly I recommend internal lubrication but if the weather is really sunny some sunblock might come in handy but in such situation it's even more important not to forget the internal lubrication.

Step 5) Wait, turn, lubricate,turn, enjoy! 

I hope you liked my cooking lesson. If you want to see more of my tasty recipes please subscribe to my youtube channel. On the next episode I'll be baking a cake. 

Attention! This section is for experts and you shouldn't try this without the expertise or without guidance.

Step 6) In a case of an unexpected and unwanted hailstorm (yes, it's possible in Vietnam) one should first save the chickens, then move the location of the fire to a somewhat protected location. On this picture below we can see that we have already moved the location and hence we don't care about the hailstorm.

This is not for beginners. This is some serious bbqing! It took
me years to master this position but see how easy it looks now.
And the best thing is that I still got one limb free for what ever
comes in mind! Winner! 

Step 7) Stop bbqing because the neighbouring people decides to empty the the watery pouch on the tarp protecting you and since water always runs downwards, in this misfortunate case it extinguishes the fire. Before doing this one has to make sure that the chickens are actually done already. Nobody like Salmonella! What do we learn from this. Nothing. =)


  1. jäbä halus sitä possua enemmän kuin kanaa =)

  2. No se possu kyllä näytti ihan perkeleen hyvältä mutta rehellisyyden nimissä täytyy tunnustaa että kana onnistui loistavasti ja oli todella maukasta.
