Monday, August 18, 2014

Croatia, surroundings of Pula

This happened before the hostel incident in Split...naturally...
One way to do Croatia is to get there by car with three Austrian dudes. I must have done something right as I got asked to accompany these three gentlemen on their journey to Croatia. Hell yeah, why not! =) That my motto now a days. This one night I really didn't wanna go out at all but one of the guys in my room said the magic words "why not" and I was like -"Dude, that's my motto so now I'm gonna join you"

Our "hippie" group somewhere in Slovenia.

Croatia and me

Grabbing a bite to eat. Bananas and Croatian pastries.

So I bought me a sleeping bag for 15 euros and I was ready to go! Guys picked me up with this beautiful diesel Mazda 626 which was full of camping thingies and of course a guitar was included. Our journey was ready to start.

After several hours of serpentine roads and cigarets (which I don't smoke) we arrived to Croatia. We spend the first night in a camping site but we were after something else. At first we were gonna sleep on beach in national park in Pula but after consulting with a local person we decided were not gonna take the risk of getting arrested. That would have been excellent blogging material though!
We just started driving around the peninsula and tried couple of locations and finally found a really nice and quiet beach with a nice place to set up our base camp. It seemed to be privately owned but we took the risk. Next three night we slept under the sky on this beach. The owners threw us out after first night but we just moved 50 meters and found another lot. No one kicked us out. Yay! One Croatian couple brought us some vegetables from their own back yard and every evening we had some people staying with us and enjoying our camp fire and beer.
The stay on the beach was a blast but to be honest it was quite nice to get to an actual bed after 4 nights and taking a dump in a toilet rather than in the wilderness :D

Our base camp

Fireeeee...and moon.

Grasshopper on machete. Yes, we did have a machete.

Me and couple of German girls in our camp.

Our "hippie festival" on beach.

I'm just taking care that nobody disturbs my

Me and the dudes enjoying the sunset in Croatia.


  1. It makes more sense now that you needed some sleep in the hostel, since it was after the camping period. I mean, wasn’t it pretty obvious that the place wasn’t meant for sleeping – not at least night-time….

    Croatia suits you. Nice picture of the country and you.

  2. Thanks. Croatia really suited me ;)
