Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Do you know which inventions that have changed to world for good are from Mannheim??

First of all, once again my apologies for a long delay in updates. I hope that my poetic vein is gonna be more productive in the near future.

Have you ever had the feeling that you don't actually know what the hell you're doing? Hahahahaa, of course not ;)
I was heading to Mannheim to meet up with this dude I met in NZ and I was wondering what the hell I was doing. We spent a couple of days in the same hostel in New Plymouth and now I was gonna spend some days at his place. What if he actually is an axe murderer and is just waiting to get his hands on my liver...with onions. Well I wasn't actually afraid of that but just a bit concerned if the chemistry and the good will that we shared in NZ was lost. What if it was just because of the place and the timing in NZ. I know its stupid to think like this, I mean people do couchsurf all the time. Still with all the reasoning I have to admit that I was a bit concerned.
As soon as we met at the bus station in Mannheim I knew that all my concerns were in vain. It was a joyful reunion indeed.
Me and Inan. Cheers bro!
Not only was it really cool to see Inan again but it was also my first time ever in Mannheim. I know I don't usually tire you with historical facts but now I have to tell you somethings about Mannheim, things I didn't know/remember...okay okay, mostly I didn't know them ;)
Famous water tower and make out park for tourists. Also kind
of my only picture taken from Mannheim :D
I'm gonna give you the top 3 facts about Mannheim that everyone should know.
1)First and the most important. The (in)famous Spaghetti ice cream was invented in Mannheim! Hoooray!
2)The first bicycle was also invented in Mannheim
3)The first motorwagen, a.k.a. car was also built in Mannheim.

Damn those Germans! They've been busy back in the days ;)
Btw, John Deere's also has got their HQ in Mannheim
One cool fact about Mannheim is also that the city centre's streets aren't named but numbered just like in New York. At this point you can already guess which city did it first...buahahhaaa.
I have to thank Inan for giving me all this cool info and of course for providing me with accommodation for 6 days :D It was a splendid stay in Mannheim. I'll be back for sure!

I almost forgot! There was also one other delightful reunion in Mannheim. Diccon, whom I met at Wolfpack hostel in Vietnam, drove to see me in Mannheim. That was also cool.

"To think or not to think"

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