Sunday, November 22, 2015

Dun dun dun Dunedin, Done!

A dear friend of mine told me that cities starting with a letter D seem to suit me well. I guess she's referring to Dalat (Vietnam) and wow that I refresh my memory I have to say that Dulan (Taiwan) was also quite a success. Anyway, I ended up staying in Dunedin for quite a while and some nice things happened to me there. My life is now no more, no less complete and if a lightning decides to hit me I'm ready to go. you want to know what made my life complete. Well that is quite understandable and even fare but the bastard that I am, I'm not gonna tell it quite yet. Maybe in the next entry or on the one after that...At least I promise to tell it to you later on!

I heard that this train station is the most photographed building
in NZ. Don't know it it's true or not but I took more than
one picture of it.
Dry humping a giant bronze pine cone, why not?! I guess
Brits like it... ;)
Some street art from D
There it lays, Dunedin 
Pastures and hills. What else do you need?
Look, look, it even in Finnish! "Tervetuloa"
First of all Dunedin is something totally different than Christchurch in so many ways. The landscape is nice, there's people in the city centre and it's even beautiful in it's own way. You have to remember that NZ is the last place on earth that was colonised so there's no really old building or ancient ruins. I guess it's so far only the fifth or sixth generation after the first settler now here so in many ways it's unique.
Furthermore there's the peninsula next to Dunedin where you can see albatrosses, seals and penguins, if you're lucky and/or willing to pay to get to one of those wild life tours. I happened to bump into a german guy with a car just when I had kind of decided to leave Dunedin and he was willing to go check the peninsula also so it was time for the classical "one more night" move which ended up being more like one more week.

Most of you probably know what woofing (wwoofing) means but for those who don't know it actually stands for "Willing Workers on Organic Farms" but in can be applied to other fields of working now a days for example working at a hostel for accommodation which is what I ended up doing in Dunedin for a week. Two hours of bed making, toilet and kitchen cleaning and some vacuuming and you got yourself a free bed. Not bad to be honest with the accommodation prices here in NZ and as a bonus I ate a lot of chocolate which was left behind. Why would anyone leave chocolate behind?!? Why my god, why? I was happy though ;)

I've been way too lazy when it comes to listening to live music but in Dunedin I seemed to correct my ways and I saw quite a few acts from classic jazz tunes through folk music to some kind of hard rock/heavy metal genre that is way too new for me to know the name. Live music works perfectly as an awkward transition to Halloween night. It's been a while since I have worked behind the bar but on Halloween I was helping a bit in a nice bar with some LIVE music and since I'm not into Halloween I didn't mind working a bit and getting free spirits.
Red is totally my colour! This was my look for the halloween. 
Some words of wisdom!
So there's some starters for you about my stay in Dunedin but the most crazy shit is still to be revealed! What could be so amazing that could fulfill my sole purpose as a human being? Did I win in lottery or did I meet the woman of my life and is her name ******? Did I compose the greatest song in the world? (I couldn't do that since Tenacious D already took care of that). Did I singlehandedly beat up a group of bullies and thus saved a pretty lady or did I finally fabricate the answer to the single most powerful and meaningful question in the world; Why? 

Stay tuned and try to stay calm during your sleepless nights and restless days since the answer to this riddling puzzle is just around the corner!

ps, Did I build up enough tension for my upcoming entries?

1 comment:

  1. enpäs malta odottaa mitä sieltä tulee =) Tenacious D rocks
