Friday, August 14, 2015

Reunion in Cambridge

Hahaa! If you've been following my blog from the beginning or at least from the Balkans, you might remember Freddie. We bumped into each other few times in Balkans and then in Istanbul where we were caught in the middle of a riot. Freddie also got me to go to Hong Kong and therefore had an impact on my travels. It was time to visit him in Cambridge. Reason number two to visit UK. Hopefully no riots...
I'm not a huge fan of Harry Potter but I've seen most of the movies. I did not have any idea what was going on at King's Cross station. It was quite a surprise to see people queuing in line to take a picture at platform 9¾. It was like a pilgrimage. And of course there was also a HP gift shop full of people with bouncers were shepherding people.
I'm not sure if it was because of HP but I have never paid that much just to store my luggage. Was it 10£ or 7£. Rip off! Damn you Harry Potter! ;)
On a scale from 1 to 5, how cool is that? Err...
 It was so much fun to see Freddie again even though I hardly recognised the guy with the longish hair and the beard gone. Sense of humour was still there. Fortunately.
We spent couple of days in Cambridge seeing the sights and drinking local beers and gin&tonics. Even went for a nice ride in the countryside.

Freddie, me and the daily selfie. Note the wavy hairs.
What more can you ask from a friend than a festival.
Freddie had orchestrated a big weekend for me! Yay!
Cambridge uni. The hopes of the future strolling around it.
I just like lamp posts...I guess...
It's good to have locals to show you around. How else could I
have known that this is a whole statue installed upside down.
Those crazy Cambridgeans! ;D

 Thank you Freddie. Thank you Cambridge.
But where did I fly after UK. That is the question!? Stay tuned!

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